Smart QuadCopter (SQUAD)

By: Abhinav Rai, Sonaal Dua and Gaurav Sharma


One of the fun projects, that I undertook while in College with a few of my friends. We designed everything from the 4-axis aluminium frame, circuit framework, to the smiley balls landing suspension :->

The Quadcopter was equipped with a Logitech C270 HD camera and Rasperry PI, which processed the images in real time and provided live streaming over the local wi-fi connection. You could also control the quadcopter using the Android Application or just use the application to view the live stream.

Different Image Processing Algorithms were also deployed on the system. For example, PersonDetector algorithms were used to count the number of people in the current view. Object Tracking was implemented to select and constantly track an object in real time. You could select any of the algorithms or just get the normal video feed using the Android Application.